The Best "Little" Country Show
Saturday March 1st 2025
11am - 4 pm
Entries to be made on Showday Online Website

History of the Mannum Show
This information is intended as a historical overview and has been gathered from Newspaper Articles, Trove (Links to Trove) (T) Published Books as shown, and Committee meeting minutes (M)
If anyone feels there are inaccuracies or omissions which should be dealt with, please use the contact button to the right
C 1900
Ca. May Mannum Agricultural & Horticultural Society Formed
Ben Baseby was the inaugural Member & Treasurer, his brother John also served on the inaugural committee ref pg 37 Pioneering Pathways by Rod Williams.
- Mannum's First Show Thu Oct 4 held on the Farm of Mr. Bottroff (T)Thurs 2nd "It its proverbial of the people of Mannum that when they undertake to do a thing they always do it well, and that remark is particularly applicable to the first annual show of the recently-formed Agricultural Society, held on Thursday."
- The 3rd Show held on Mr. Bottroff's farm in Oct. "biggest so far" "560 entries"(T)
- The Sheutze Family feature strongly in Mannum's history. F E Scheutze Secretary of the Agricultural Society, having the present grounds "of 19 acres, dedicated by the Government for show purposes" cleared at his own expense. (T)
- The 4th Show -First on Newly acquired site. Having acquired a Government reserve of 19½ acres about a mile outside the town the Mannum Agricultural and Horticultural Society held its show this year under exceptionally favorable circumstances on a Thursday. Situated on a knoll commanding a capital view of the Murray, the site of the new ground is all that could be desired, and assisted by a beautiful day a record attendance.(T)
- The 5th Show was held on Thurs Oct 6th. The pavilion was extended "to provide accommodation for the poultry and grain, A fence was also placed around the arena". (T)
- The 4th Show -First on Newly acquired site. Having acquired a Government reserve of 19½ acres about a mile outside the town the Mannum Agricultural and Horticultural Society held its show this year under exceptionally favorable circumstances on a Thursday. Situated on a knoll commanding a capital view of the Murray, the site of the new ground is all that could be desired, and assisted by a beautiful day a record attendance.(T)
- The 5th Show was held on Thurs Oct 6th. The pavilion was extended "to provide accommodation for the poultry and grain, A fence was also placed around the arena". (T)
- The 8th Show held Thurs 10th Oct "great success. Favored by a beautifully fine day, an attendance which must have been a record for the riverside town gathered on the spacious and prettily-situated showground" (T)
- The 9th Show was held "The result was that the riverside festival attracted a record crowd. "Thurs 1st Oct (T) (T2) 1908 committee
- The 10th Show was held "During the year the society started building a fine new Grandstand and luncheon room, which was sufficiently completed to allow of its use on Thursday. The building has Stone walls and an iron roof, and seating capacity of 230" Thur 14th Oct (T) Grandstand built
- The 11th Show was held "The society possesses a well-improved ground of 19 acres, dedicated by the Government show purposes about Seven years ago and on which about 500 pounds have been spent to date. The improvements are substantial pavilions, grandstand, sheep pens, horse fencing" Thurs 6th Oct (T) (T2)
- Meeting by Progress to discussion selling recreation ground and to move oval to showgrounds (T)
- April 1912 Subcommittee formed regarding Use of showgrounds as oval
- Approval given for the construction of a cricket pitch (M)
- "The Mannum Agricultural and Horticultural Society held its thirteenth annual show Thursday, October 3. in ideal weather. Prompted possibly by the knowledge that His Excellency the Governor(Sir Day Hort Bosanquet) would be present for the first time to open the exhibition, a larger number of outsiders than usual attended the fixture"Thurs Oct 3 (T) (T2)
- Capt W Randell transported guests from Forster by paddle steamer (M)
- Mannum Band to play at Show (M)
- The 14th Show was held Thurs Oct 2 " The Luncheon. In proposing the toast of the Mannum Agricultural Society, Incorporated, Mr.A. Giles remarked on the advancement attained by the officials since the society's inception, and expressed the hope that future fixtures would continue to be as successfully progressive as the present one had turned out. The president (Mr.F. E. Schuetze) in his response thanked the proposer for the toast, and mentioned how nearly the prospect of holding a show had been abandoned, but thanks to the hearty co-operation of the energetic committee and the advent of the glorious rain, the gathering had culminated in such a successful issue."Show unqualified success (T)
- Capt W Randell transported guests from Forster by paddle steamer (M)
- Mannum Band to play at Show (M)
- The 14th Show was held Thurs Oct 2 " The Luncheon. In proposing the toast of the Mannum Agricultural Society, Incorporated, Mr.A. Giles remarked on the advancement attained by the officials since the society's inception, and expressed the hope that future fixtures would continue to be as successfully progressive as the present one had turned out. The president (Mr.F. E. Schuetze) in his response thanked the proposer for the toast, and mentioned how nearly the prospect of holding a show had been abandoned, but thanks to the hearty co-operation of the energetic committee and the advent of the glorious rain, the gathering had culminated in such a successful issue."Show unqualified success (T)
- Damages to Grandstand were reported (M)
- No Show due to drought & war (M) The rains that saved the previous year's show were not forthcoming in 1914
- Swagmen reported to be using show buildings for camping (M)
No Show due to continuation of the war, monies would be better used supporting various war funds, works on " playing arena inside the show ring leveled, rolled and planted it with couch grass and trees planted ". (T)
- No Show (M) War still ongoing
- Offer from JG Arnold to purchase Iron from pavilion for 80 pounds or borrow and pay 35 pounds with agreement to replace it after the war (declined) (M)
- Motion to abandon show & liquidate due to low funds, lack of interest & no Secretary (overturned) (M)
- World War 1 ends
- Discussion to move show to autumn (defeated) (M)
- Sheaf tossing to be introduced (M)
- Concrete Cricket Pitch installed (T)
- Vandalism of buildings & Pitch Reported "The committee of the Mannum Agricultural Society has been put to a considerable amount of expense this year in order to get the showgrounds and buildings in something like condition for the show, which would not have been the case but for the destructiveness of someone (presumably boys). " (T)
- Wed Oct 12th (Labour day) (T)
- Flower Show held Tues 14th March (T)
- General meeting (T)
- Discussions recharging for use of showgrounds "A discussion took place as to the advisability of charging the various sports bodies for the use of showgrounds and buildings. It was decided to appoint Messrs. F.Wight and J. W. Rawnsley as a sub-committee to consult with representatives of the sporting bodies in the town with the object of arranging basis of payment." (T)
- Management Committee Reinstated "This committee existed before the war, and did good work." (T)
- 21st Show "The coming of age show" Wed Oct 10th to be held on the 8-hour day long weekend (T)
- The 23rd Show was held Wed Oct 14th "During the past few years the Spring Shows of the Mannum Society have been steadily improving, and the 1925 fixture was easily a record."a record fixture" (T)
- The 24th Show Wed Oct 13th WA Gass Attacked by bull suffice to say in all the years of the show this is the only recorded injury. (T)
- Gymkhana & Motorsport was held on March 21st proceeds towards the Mannum Recreation ground improvement (T)
- Oct 10th 22nd Spring show Ideal weather & good attendance (T)
- Mannum Football Club approved to make a new oval (M)
- No Show due to depression " the opinion that the district was suffering so acutely as a result of the prevailing depression that to hold a show this year would be courting disaster." (T)
- Reports of Campers causing damage "It was decided to appoint Mr. F.Wachner as caretaker with full authority over the ground and buildings." (T)
- 13th Dec Charges drawn up for use of the showgrounds (T)
- Autumn show postpone and discussed holding a show in Spring (T)
- Permission sought and granted for a 2nd cricket pitch to be installed(T)
- The 29th Show to be held Sat 30th Sept"The president (Mr. A. B. Wilksch), the hon. secretary (Mr. W. W. Tabe), assisted by a strong body of voluntary workers, are able to report that the showgrounds and buildings are now in readiness for the 29th fixture of the Mannum Agricultural Society, which will be held tomorrow, and as the season is favourable to the producer a successful show is forecast." Grand Parade of stock added to this show (T)
- Sat 7th Oct "Back to Mannum Gymkhana" "An interesting and varied program had been prepared and was thoroughly enjoyed by those who braved the elements."(T)
- Sat Sept 22nd "Ugly Man Competition" to be held (M)
- Approval given for purchase of hurdles at Mannum Racing Club Sale (M)
- Sat 3rd Oct Centenary Show record entries in Sheep and cattle (T)
- Sat Oct 16th Prime Minister Joseph Lyons opens the show (T)
- "previous entry figures eclipsed "Largest crowd on record (T) (T2)
- Sat Oct 1 (M)
- Last Sat in Sept. (M)
- Plan for Memorial sports ground at showgrounds."The director of the Government Tourist Bureau (Mr. A. J. Baker)visited Mannum recently and addressed a meeting of interested townspeople. A committee, known as the Mannum Memorial Community Movement, has been formed to establish a combined memorial sports ground for the town. After discussing the matter of a suitable site, it was found that the best available position was the showgrounds, it to be seen if it is needed to purchase more land " (T) (M)
- Minuted Proposed 21 Year lease to Community Memorial Movement (M)
- Oval Committee given approval to dismantle grandstand (M)
- Land Title Amended to acknowledge sporting use as well as shows (amalgamated from multiple allotments to single lot, thus allowing for lease to CMM (M)
- Lease agreement with E&WS Dept for Western End of grounds for camp for construction of Mannum - Adelaide Pipeline (M)
- Tender called for power to Pipeline Camp on Mannum showgrounds (T)
- Pavilion used by Ween Motors During Flood, who installed electric wiring. (M)
- Wiring Purchased from Ween Motors after vacating.(M)
- Negotiations undertaken with E&WS dept for purchase of all buildings left by them, surplus buildings demolished and sold off.(M)
- Mannum A&HS became Affiliated with Central Shows Assoc.(M)
- March 8th Show Committee Pictured
Memorial Gates Approved (M)
Mr. TR Lintern to remain on-site as caretaker (M)
Memorial Movement have insufficient funds to install Memorial Gates (M)
Fixtures Provided in Pavilion (M)
Wire Guards to be considered for exhibits (ex Tanunda) (M)
Government Subsidy provided to cover 25% of New buildings, extensions or permanent fixtures (M)
Sheaf Tossing to be reintroduced (M)
Buildings to be repainted (M)
Second Sat March for the show this year 12th march
Trust Fund & Contribution from D. Shearer pay for installation of Gates (M)
Fencing Installed, 50 yds each side of gate (M)
Show opened by Premier Sir Thomas Playford (M)
Fencing of Basketball Court to be completed prior to show.(M)
Constitution Updated, Name Changed to Mannum Agricultural Society Inc. (M)
March 24 Opened by Governor Sir Edric Bastyn (M)
- Mannum District council to assist with leveling of new Sideshow Area (M)
Poultry & Pigeons relocated to the former "Shower Room") (M)
Additional Power Supply Installed
- New Pavilion Built, to be named Pioneer Pavilion, with Old Pavilion to be named SA Bretag Pavilion (Note These names have been reversed sometime since) (M)
More screens required for displays & small lights for cake cases(M)
Consideration for a Hovercraft Display for next show (M)
- Consideration given for Golf Club to have a small clubhouse on the grounds subject to closure of Boronia St (M)
- Skydivers & Aeroplane rides at show (Skydivers cancelled account weather, but plane rides were a great success (M)
- Intention advised by Mannum Football Club to build a new clubrooms, to be made available to show society for show day. (M)
- Queen Competition to be Included next year (M)
- Aeroplane Rides again featured (M)
Ball & Queen Presentations held at Mannum Institute (M)
Covering for Sheep Shearing Required(M)
- New Toilets Constructed (M)
Pigeon & Poultry Pavilion Extended (M)
Fire In old Pavilion, Repaired & Extended by Insurance Payment (M)
- Proposal for a youth centre raised (M)
- Fluoro Lighting Installed in New Pavilion (M)
- Request for a land grant to Mannum Football Club, approved subject to negotiation with Lands Dept.(M)
- Mannum Council approved to use part of ground for caravans if camping ground is flooded.(M)
- New Pet Pavilion Installed
- Mannum Showgrounds transferred to District Council of Mannum to facilitate the perimeter fencing (M)
- Agreement between District Council of Mannum, Mannum Football Club, Mannum Cricket Club & Golf Club finalised (M)
- Memorial Gates Relocated
- R. Lintern (Caretaker) Passed away, Barry Ramm to be Caretaker (M)
- Lions Club given approval to store goods in Bretag Pavilion for their sale (M)
- New Fencing Installed (M)
- 6 Parachutists fly in to show (M)
- Agricultural Society Kennel Club Disbanded (M)
Toilets Installed Tennis & Netball Access to be available on show days (M)
Hot Rod Show Invited to Join Gand Parade (M)
- Cricket Club seek an Official Agreement reuse of Ag. Pavilion (M)
Eastern Hills & Murray Plains Catchment Field Day Incorp into show (M)
Lions Club to Man Gates free of charge for use of MCCC Shed (M)
- Power Outlets Upgraded to all 15 Amp(M)
- Exhibitors Gate by pavilions installed(M)
- Introduce Ute Muster, Green & Gold Trail, Marine Licence exams & Carp Throwing(M)
- Shutters installed on dining hall windows(M)
- Print Room Provided for Mannum Mag(M)
- Shade Structure for stage installed (M)
Website Started(M)
Progress Assoc given use of portion of cottage(M)
Sunday Showground Markets Start(M)
Large Sign Installed at Caravan Park(M)
Kitchen & Office Re-Roofed(M)
Combined Sporting Facility Proposed(M)
Mannum Mag print show book in return for free rent(M)
Lights & Fans Installed in Dining hall(M)
Themed expos held in conjunction with some monthly markets(M)
- Due to Equine Flu Outbreak, the likelihood of not having horses, created a need for more events. Helicopter rides were arranged, however were relocated to vacant land on the Northside of North Tce, due to late return of horse events.(M)
- Cricket Club (Ag Pavilion) Verandah partially enclosed for CC Storage.(M)
- Skate Park Proposed(M)
- Bretag Pavilion Floor Paved.(M)
- Stainless Steel Tops for Kitchen Benches(M)
- Mid Murray Council waive rental charge for MCCC Shed in return for power used for toilet block power & septic.(M)
Additional Power for Trade sites installed.(M)
Schache Hall Re-Roofed(M)
Lions request to Expand Den(M)
Questions Raised over ownership of MCCC Shed(M)
Schache Hall Ceiling Repaired / Kitchen ceiling installed(M)
Large Sign Relocated to showgrounds
- Current Website started(M)
Dog off Leash area installed in former horse/cattle entrance/ New Gates installed to rear of Football Clubrooms(M)
In an effort to increase revenue for the show society it was decided to run a new event Game Obsession Expo Sun 7th August (M)
Lions assume ownership of MCCC Shed(M)
The Second Game Obsession Expo is held Sun August 6(M)
RSL Clubrooms proposed for showgrounds, identifying 2 sites unavailable (M)
Lions apply for Shed Extension as they have been granted the old shed from Aminya(M)
- Successful grant application from Community SA -Upgraded Power & Lighting Installed to both Pavilions (M)
- The Third Game Obsession Expo is held Sun 5th August (M)
- New format trialled with entertainment into the evening
- Due to outbreak of Covid 19 Mannum was one of the last country shows held in 2020
- Local Motorbike rider D'Arcy Morris organised a FMX display. Soil was purchased for the landing and stored for future years.
- Lease was drawn up with the Mid Murray Council and signed.
- Show went ahead but with a Covid Plan and restrictions on numbers of 1000 attendees.
Due to a change in website formatting, some of the above information may have been incorrectly attributed sometime between 2018- October 2020